The second edition of this one-of-a-kind and unique event is to be held in Italy. The event will occur from 20th to 23rd October 2022 with a very strong international presence and will be held over a range of locations.

Milano, 12th of October 2022 – Milano Jewelry Week – supported by Milano Municipality, Club degli Orafi and C.N.A. Federmoda – returns to animate the streets of Milan from 20th to 23rd October 2022.

Yesterday was held the press conference of the event attended by Enzo Carbone, Prodes Italia CEO, which is  the company that created Milano Jewelry Week, Antonio Franceschini, CNA National Manager of Federmoda and Head Office of CNA Promotion and International Market, Loredana Prosperi, Director of the Laboratory of Analysis of the Italian Gemological Institute, Guido Solari, Director of Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana situated in Via Tortona 26 and Director of SOA Lab & Factory situated in Via Savona 20, Rossana Ricolfi, Galdus School Coordinator and Referent, Andrea Sangalli, President of the Associazione Orafa Lombarda, Fulvio Maria Scavia, Jeweler and President of Scavia; Dalila Daffara, Moderator, Prodes Italia.

The one-of-its-kind event held in Italy, will have over 750 exhibitors and more than 150 scheduled events. It will highlight Milan for four days, after fashion and design, as the world center for jewelry as well.

From Porta Venezia to Brera, the Duomo to the 5 Vie, passing through Montenapoleone and the whole Quadrilatero della Moda, the Milano Jewelry Week will have an itinerary that will unfold through different thematic paths. It will involve prestigious buildings and high jewelry ateliers, schools and art workshop goldsmiths, fashion boutiques and design showrooms with the aim of letting insiders and the curious – through exhibitions, talks and special initiatives – discover all the facets of a world so fascinating and yet unknown. An event that not only increases and celebrates the cultural and artistic value, but it is also capable of developing the local business, by attracting an international audience.

Enzo Carbone – Founder and CEO of Prodes Italia,  the company that created Milano Jewelry Week – said: “ I’m very proud of what we achieved in the current Milano Jewelry Week edition, which not only has recorder a strong growth compared to the first one, but it involves prestigious realities too, enhancing the territory as a key center on the international jewelry scene ».

The exhibitions and locations.

Five collective exhibitions are scheduled and will be hosted in four locations.

The Jewelry Hub will welcome more than 110 High, Fine, Fashion and Vintage Jewelry brands and will be hosted in the spaces of La Pelota, in Brera district. It is an event dedicated to both B2B and B2C trade, which will give the opportunity to purchase the creations of companies from more than 30 different countries; from Australia to Mexico, from the Middle East to the USA passing through Northern Europe. Relevant names such as Leo Pizzo, Alessio Boschi, Rubeus Milano in the High Jewellery category, Lumina, Metalcouture and Avel Lentann in the Fine, Rheinfrank-Antique Jewellery Berlin, Micol and i Santi Medici for the Vintage section will participate, while FuturoRemoto, Tektaak Jewellery and Marzia Di Rosa in the Fashion session.

Artistar Jewels, an international reference event dedicated to body ornaments, now in its eighth edition, will be staged at Palazzo Bovara. In the rooms of the splendid palace di Porta Venezia we will admire the creations of 230 international artists and designers who have given shape to the suggestions deriving from the contamination between sectors (above all history, art and architecture) and from the expression of emotional states, particularly significant after the years just passed.

Two collective exhibitions of The FaB and Jewelry Drops will be held at Palazzo dei Giureconsulti. In The FaB 150 international artists and designers they will show us how projects move from different inspirations, for example a childhood memory, the power of nature, the extraordinary beauty of the imperfect, and experimentation. It will interpret with moving creativity each of the four scenarios – water, earth, fire and air – which are the guiding thread of this path.

Jewelry Drops will present around 500 jewels, mainly one-of-a-kind or limited series, made of unusual and, in some cases, recycled materials. All in a multimedia exhibition with videos that will illustrate the stories of the protagonists – all international – and their fascinating workings. The main issues addressed will be sustainability, the reference to nature, ethics, the meeting between different sectors and the exchange between tradition and innovation.

In addition, the Galdus School will be the location of conferences and the Talent Show, which will feature the works of the most promising students selected by the goldsmith schools participating in the Week.

Alongside these initiatives, other events will animate the center of Milan. Between Brera and 5 Vie, 13 design showrooms and art galleries will host the creations of many international jewelry brands and designers, carefully selected and matched to the location in terms of philosophy, product and research.

With thanks to the Experiential Journeys, important realities from the jewelry world such as Christie’s, Sotheby’s, Sicis Jewels, Gioielleria Pederzani, Busatti, Gioielleria Pennisi, Daniela De Marchi or from the world of watches such as Luigi Verga Orologeria e Grimoldi, will offer a glimpse of their varied universe through installations, seminars, meetings and stories from behind the scenes. Many are unique activities organized specifically for the week. Among these, in their showroom located in the “Quadrilatero”, the heart of Milano, the “Sublime Bellezza” event, during which Fulvio and Alessandro Scavia will both design and donate the jewelry that are inspired by the visitors themselves, demonstrating the creativity and the savoir-faire of master jewelers dedicated to excellence for generations.

The Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana will host both exhibitions and live performances by the students of the school who will operate at the site. At the Ippolita showroom it will be possible to admire the iconic “Wall”, the installation of the personal collection of objects, relics, and artworks. In addition, there is the chance to book an appointment with one of their stylists to discover the world of the Brand. A dedicated B2B event at Songa Antonio Spa showroom will take place. Its opening is exclusively devoted to buyers showing them the new collections. Or even Antonini Milano with a collection of jewels based on the green theme in all its forms.

Conferences and awards.

A crucial role in the event is the extended program of conferences and workshops.

Numerous conferences held by important people, artists and businesses will attend. These include Christie’s, Gübelin Gem Lab, recognized associations such as Assogemme, Assocoral, Istituto Gemmologico Italiano, Antico (Associazione Nazionale Tutela Il Comparto Oro), established artists such as Alessio Boschi and Konrad Laimer, influencers such as come Laura Inghirami, and the lawyers Leonardo Seri, Counsel of BMLex, Andrea Conso and Antonio di Giorgio, partners of Annunziata & Conso, Joris Jeelof Board member & Chief Marketing Director of NFJ LABS,  who will talk about the copyright of jewellery in the NFT field.

The purpose of these talks – as well as of the whole event – is to deepen the dynamics, the insights, the values, the excellences that make this sector unique by embracing innovation and tradition, giving life to “beauty”.

The conferences will be hosted in the spaces of the La Pelota, location of The Jewelry HUB and within the Galdus school and it is possible to access through accreditation on the Milano Jewelry Week official website.

On Saturday 22 October, at 8.30 pm, at the Odeon theater, during an unmissable soirée with over 900 guests, the MJW Awards 2022 winners will be revealed, chosen from the wide range of participants of the week.

Furthermore, many awards will be presented by a jury of experts to the participants of the various collective exhibitions. The “Best in” awards and the “Valdo prize”, offered by the wine sponsor of the event, Valdo Spumanti, will be selected from among all the exhibitors present at the Milano Jewelry Week.

Here are the “Best in” awards and the judges are called to decide:

Best in Diamond, judge Alberto Casbelli – Delegate of Borsa Diamanti d’Italia.

Best in Gemstone, judge Paolo Cesari – Assogemme President.

Best in Innovation, judge Donatella Zappieri – Jewelry Business Consultant.

Best in Technique, Judge Guido Solari – Director of Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana and of SOA Lab & Factory.

Best in Creativity & Design, judge Azzurra Cesari – Project Manager & Product Development of Cesari & Rinaldi.

Best in Contemporary, judge Lucia Massei – Creative Director of Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Florence.

Best in Future Jewelry Design, judge Formlessness.

In addition, special prizes will be reserved for participants in The FaB and Artistar Jewels. For The FaB Alessio Boschi will award the projects that best have been able to interpret their own reference theme, while there will be three further awards to which the exhibitors of Artistar Jewels hope to acquire. A jury composed of Donatella Zappieri, Guido Solari, Lucia Massei and the jewel historian Vanessa Cron will select the three best creations on display, the Assamblage Award will guarantee participation in the Romanian Jewelry Week, while the international galleries partner of the event will select which projects to include in the inside its exhibitions.

Two cash prizes offered by Gianni De Benedittis, founder and creative director of the futuroRemoto brand: Il Calibro d’Oro, which all participants in the second edition of the Milano Jewelry Week will be able to access and the Best Talent reserved for one of the students of the Talent Show.

A special guide made by the Milano Jewelry team (containing detailed information with maps, itineraries, events) will be available in order to fully experience such a busy schedule. In addition, it will be distributed over 100.000 copies during the event.

For more information of the calendar of events please visit in the section “visit”. In addition, it is possible to register and receive the tickets by clicking on this link: : Free Pass

Prodes Italia.

The design, the communication management and the coordination of the Milano Jewelry Week events are curated by the Prodes Italia Group. Operating all over the world in high jewelry, design, art and wines sectors, it is the creator of the projects, Din-Design In, Design For,,, Huesers Magazine, Bestwinestars. com. The company is also responsible for the communication and coordination of Lambrate Design District events since 2018.

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