Riccardo Gusmaroli, born in Verona in 1963, lives and works in Milan. He started his own activity as an architectural photographer and still-life photographer: elements that influence his artistic production starting from the beginning of 1990, a period in which he began collaborating with the Toselli Gallery in Milan, and where he also placed his first personal exhibitions. Gusmaroli has exhibited in important public and private spaces, from the Civic Museum of Lodi in Via Farini in Milan, with Accardi and De Maria, from the Trevi Flash Art Museum to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Arezzo up to the Gallery of Modern Art in Turin , the Vittoriano of Rome, while abroad, his works traveled from Barcelona to Brussels, from New York to the Sperone Galleries in Paris at the Simonis and Di Meo Galleries with Boetti and Fabro.

@Wearable Art. Jewelry By Artists At Babs Art Gallery