
ESH GALLERY | Via Forcella 7, Milano
24th  October 2019 | 10:30 am – 18:00 pm
25th – 26th October 2019 | 10:30 am – 19:00 pm
27th October 2019 | 10:30 am – 14:00 pm

To celebrate the start of the fifth exhibition season, ESH Gallery is pleased to present the “ESH VEADAMA’ exhibition – FIRE and EARTH. Contemporary Craft from Israel”, a journey into the artistic handicrafts of Israel told in all its facets. The exhibition illustrates the name of the gallery, ESH, which means fire in the Hebrew language. From ceramics to glass, from metal to contemporary jewelry, this collective celebrates the landscapes of Israel and the colours of the Middle East as a source of inspiration together with fire, a living, primordial element necessary for creation. With this exhibition, investigating the traditional techniques and their contemporary reinterpretation, ESH Gallery intends to enhance one of Israel’s current languages through the works of four artists who, though using materials and techniques that are distant from each other, enter into dialogue giving light to surprising connections. The Gallery will also present a preview of WALKING TREASURES. TREASURES FROM WALK, the annual event that Esh gallery dedicates to contemporary jewelery. Among the selected artists will be the jewels of Sara Barbanti, Carlo Lucidi, Giulia Savino, Chiara Scarpitti and Laura Volpi.


ESH Gallery represents Italian and international contemporary artists whose works represent the absolute concepts of space and nature. Focusing on ceramics, glass on metal and organic materials, but above all thanks to a particular affinity with the decorative arts, the artists of the gallery express themselves moving towards the indistinguishable boundary between art and craft, opening new paths to imagination and aesthetics.