GALDUS | Via Pompeo Leoni 2, Milano
24th – 27th October 2019
The Galdus Professional School, on the occasion of the Milan Jewelry Week, opens the doors of its institute, giving visitors the precious opportunity to visit the laboratories and the school’s educational spaces. It will be possible to admire not only the machinery and equipment used by the students during the didactic hours, but also the works of the students themselves, in order to be able to observe a jewel in all its phases. The training courses of Galdus High School and of the Pomellato Virtuosi Academy will also be presented: a laboratory dedicated to the high specialization and innovation of the profiles required by the gold sector, thanks to the shared vision and common perspectives between Galdus, Pomellato and the Lombardy Region, which currently involves around 150 students in highly specialized courses. Only a complete and articulated course and a training that alternates school and laboratories with many hours of internships and experience in the company allows to develop design skills, executive fineness and precision, a deep knowledge of the materials and the best techniques for the production of excellent items.
In synergy with around 2,000 companies, the school is preparing over 1400 young people for a job in 9 professional sectors. From the first year, a significant part of school hours is dedicated technical and laboratory training; from the second year, students carry out full-time internships in companies both in Italy and abroad. The course is completed by a careful cultural preparation, testimonials from entrepreneurs, educational outings, participation in events and competitions.